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¤ ToorCon 2005 Presentation


From the conference brochure:

Trike is a repeatable, consistent, partially automatable methodology for analyzing the security risk posed by a system. Threat models are particularly useful for finding architectural and algorithmic holes in an application. Trike builds a model of system threats, attacks, weaknesses, vulnerabilities and risks on a model of the system requirements and implementation. In version 1, system threats can be generated automatically given system requirements, and a variety of questions about risk can be answered programmatically.

Eleanor & Brenda will present version 1 of the Trike methodology by constructing a sample threat model using the Trike tool. They will provide an overview of the theory behind Trike as each relevant concept appears in the sample threat model, and mention current lines of thought which may become part of version 2.

Slides & Demo

We used two slide decks for this presentation: Theory and Examples. The example slides begin where our demo (of Trike v1 build 5) ended.

We also looked at an example file of attack stubs.


Copyright © 2004-2008 Brenda Larcom, Eleanor Saitta, and Stephanie Smith. Copyright © 2009-2012 Brenda Larcom and Eleanor Saitta. All rights reserved.