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¤ MiniMetricon 3.5 Presentation


Brenda will present a candidate scale to use for direct measurement of the security of a product: direct as opposed to indirect indicators like security defect count, percentage of developers who have received secure coding training, or code complexity; measurement as opposed to qualitative analysis; product as opposed to operation or organization.

The units of attack resistance score are seconds (sort of) required to get from one set of privileges to another using the system, not including exploit development or system discovery time. Interesting starting & ending privileges would presumably come from the system’s security objectives.

The system is analogous to a resistor network, with the connection points being privileges and the resistance unit being time. The time to traverse each resistor (intentional or not) can be estimated at design time, then measured in deployment. Graph traversal algorithms and standard electrical engineering equations can be used to compute the attack resistance score for any given security goal.

Brenda will cover how an attack resistance score is calculated and why this could be a reasonable way to calculate it, prerequisites for widespread use and usefulness of this metric, known limitations, and anticipated uses. She will also list a few of the many other related metrics that are possible using this analogy.

The attack resistance score concept is under active development by the Trike team and will be part of the v2 release.


Attack Resistance Score


Copyright © 2004-2008 Brenda Larcom, Eleanor Saitta, and Stephanie Smith. Copyright © 2009-2012 Brenda Larcom and Eleanor Saitta. All rights reserved.